Audience/ User
Anyone wanting to practice facilitating sim across the province. These folks are typically from multiple clinical disciplines – nurses, physicians, PT, OT, RT, etc. It also for Educators, instructors, or teachers from health authorities or academic institutions.
Role: Lead designer
Applied: UXD, IA, IxD, UI
Application: Whiteboard, Illustrator
This project required collaborate with the Instructional Designer and Programmer to create a sustainable, user-friendly, robust experience.
The project starts with research and data to make informative design decisions. After receiving an initial Site Architecture from the Instructional Designer, a list of questions were compiled were asked from the client to better understand the scope of the project. The information gathered was mapped on a whiteboard to create wireframe.
Changes were made to the Site Architecture based on the wireframe. Concepts are shared with them team ( ID and Programmer) to identify concerns or possible risks, validate development resource, and update the team of the progress. Concepts are mapped to illustrator and presented to the client to get feedback and further improve the design.
Please see the PDF for Design Mockups

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